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Benefits of being a member of LondonSkaters Speed Team include:

  • Group fitness training sessions
  • Regular dedicated skating technique sessions including video assessment with an IISA instructor,which alone is worth more than the cost of membership fees
  • A more structured and holistic approach to training and speed on skates
  • A private member's forum and regular email announcements
  • Discount of £10 on the purchase of one team skin suit (or equivalent item in teams colours)
  • Discount at London Inline Marathon of £5 on the full marathon entry fee (£2 for the half and mini marathon)
  • The chance to take part in many events in the UK and on the continent with the team
  • Other ad-hoc benefits that may arise through sponsorship


Membership fees (runs from January to December):

  • £30 for adults
  • £20 for students and minors, or when your partner, living at the same address as you, is a member of LSST
  • £5 for juniors under 13 years of age.


FISS Membership: Members can choose to join the Federation of Inline Speed Skating

  • Entitles you to enter FISS regional club races and FISS National Championships
  • Permits you to race abroad at licensed events


See the FISS website for more details. -